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Business Tutorial: WRDS


Compustat Segments Data provides segment information for about 28,900 companies in the Compustat North American (NA) package. Compustat Global does not provide segment data.

Where can I find information on executive compensation?

  1. From the WRDS homepage, choose Compustat - Capital IQ. Next, select Execucomp.

    Execucomp Step 1
  2. Finally, choose Annual Compensation.

  3. Choose your date range.

    Execucomp Step 4
  4. Under Apply Your Company Codes, click on Ticker and type the ticker symbol (Example: IBM) into the search box.

    Execucomp Step 5
  5. Under Query Variables, select Company Name under Company Information, your executive information variables under Executive Information and your compensation variables under Compensation Data

  6. Under Query Output, select Excel and the date format. 

  7. Click on the Submit Query button and when the data output is complete, a link to the Excel file will appear.  Click on the link to the Excel file to access the downloaded data.

Assistant Head, Information Services

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Kathleen Berger
Room 318E
Pardee Library