by BU Libraries
Last Updated Aug 26, 2024
123 views this year
Article Databases
Sciences, Agriculture & Food
Environment CompleteThis link opens in a new windowEnvironment Complete is a comprehensive database focused on all aspects of environmental science including conservation, biodiversity, climate, pollution, agriculture and aquaculture, environmental law and policy, urban planning, environmental engineering, and more.
Biological AbstractsThis link opens in a new windowBiological Abstracts searches journal articles in all areas of the biological sciences. Like all databases on the Web of Science platform, it also provides citation information — both articles cited and 'cited by' links, allowing the user to follow the literature on a topic both forward and backward in time. Also allows searching using BIOSIS indexing, MeSH terms, and CAS registry numbers.
AGRICOLAThis link opens in a new windowIndex to the National Agricultural Library, including primary sources on world agriculture.
GreenFILEThis link opens in a new windowGreenFILE searches journal articles, government documents, and ebooks relating to human impact on the environment. It covers interdisciplinary topics such as environmental policy, environmental engineering, pollution, conservation, and other areas in which human activities and nature coincide. GreenFILE also contains a cited references feature that allows the user to see what material the author has cited in their publication, and what later publications cite it.
Anthropology PlusThis link opens in a new windowAnthropology Plus provides worldwide access for journal articles, reports, commentaries, edited works and obituaries in the fields of anthropology, archaeology, and related interdisciplinary fields.
Social Sciences Full TextThis link opens in a new windowSocial Sciences Full Text provides access to hundreds of English language journals in the social sciences. About two-thirds of the journals are peer-reviewed.
AnthroSourceThis link opens in a new windowAnthroSource is an electronic archive of American Anthropological Association journals, newsletters and bulletins. It also provides seamless access to AAA journals archived in JSTOR.
International Bibliography of the Social SciencesThis link opens in a new windowThis database contains indexes journal articles and books in the social sciences. Subjects covered in the database include anthropology, economics, education, ethnography, political science, sociology and more. It has a broad international scope. Abstracts are available for half of all current journal articles.
Searching Across Disciplines
BU Libraries SearchThis link opens in a new windowBU Libraries Search provides a single place to search for a wide variety of research material provided by the library. Resources covered by the search includes books and eBooks, journals, scores and sheet music, video and audio recordings, and other physical and electronic items held by the library. Coverage encompasses materials relating to the prehistoric and antique world through to the present.
Academic Search PremierThis link opens in a new windowAcademic Search Premier contains indexing, abstracts and full-text articles for scholarly publications, most of them peer-reviewed. The subjects covered include topics in the social sciences, humanities, general science, education and most areas of academic study.
Web of ScienceThis link opens in a new windowThis database is a core general science resource, covering all aspects of scientific literature. It also has a number of tools that make it a unique resource for finding scholarly literature. Item records come with links both to the works cited by the paper in question and the future works that cite that paper. Web of Science also allows the user to set up email alerts for specific authors or topics, provides researcher profiles, and to use associated journal metrics provided by the vendor.
ScienceDirectThis link opens in a new windowScienceDirect is a general science database that searches journal articles and book chapters in all areas of science, technology, and health. ScienceDirect also provides full text access to a number of major reference works, allows the user to create email alerts for specific journal titles, book series, or research topics, and provides access to a limited number of "pre-pub" articles (articles accepted for publication but not yet officially released).
Project MuseThis link opens in a new windowProject Muse provides digital access to scholarly journals and books in the humanities and social sciences. The scholarly content comes from non-profit scholarly publishers, including university presses and societies. The full text resources include journal articles, book reviews and book chapters.
JSTORThis link opens in a new windowThis database provides full text access to the back issues of core scholarly journals in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Book reviews are included as well as journal articles. Abstracts are available for some of the articles.
Featured Journals
Food, Culture & SocietyAn international peer-reviewed publication dedicated to exploring the complex relationships among food, culture, and society from numerous disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences, as well as in the world of food beyond the academy.
Food and FoodwaysFood and Foodways is a refereed, interdisciplinary, and international journal devoted to publishing original scholarly articles on the history and culture of human nourishment.
Culture, Agriculture, Food and EnvironmentCentral to the mission of CAFE is work that explores and demonstrates the connections between the full array of cultural dimensions and the environment, ecology, agriculture, aquaculture, fisheries, natural resources, energy, water, food, and nutrition.
GastronomicaGastronomica is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, international journal publishing critical, translational studies on food.
Journal of EthnobiologyJournal of Ethnobiology publishes manuscripts based on original research in all areas of ethnobiology, the interdisciplinary study of past and present relationships between humans and their biological worlds.
Featured Article
Food Security in the Era of COVID-19: Wild Food Provisioning as Resilience During a Global Pandemic (Anthrosource)Here I explore the potential role of wild food provisioning in mitigating the acute impacts of COVID on food supply and its impacts more broadly on modern foodways. Wild food provisioning is a waning practice among human populations in the Global North, but recent research has shown that there are significant amounts of food produced and harvested on the landscape that go unaccounted for in food systems research.