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Bloomberg Certificates (BCER)

BCER Remote Website Sign-Up

Note: Bloomberg does not allow remote access to its program. Students have the option to watch the tutorial videos remotely, but will not be able to practice using Bloomberg without access to one of the terminals.

Here are the steps for signing up using the Bloomberg for Education website:

  1. Go to the Bloomberg for Education Sign Up page and Select the “Learner” button.
  2. Fill out the form making sure to use only your email address only.
  3. Click "Sign Up" button.
    Note: When you get to the question “Are you taking BMC as part of a group…” be sure to select “No” as your answer.  The question defaults to Yes, but many students are not taking it as part of a class so selecting “No” is fine and you should be able to proceed with your registration.  
  4. Next, click on the account activation link that has been sent to your emailPlease make sure to open the account activation link from the computer you plan to use for the course.

5. After clicking the activation link, Bloomberg may prompt you to send the link again. This is a glitch, as long as you received the first confirmation your account has already been created. You can access the purchasing page by logging in using the icon in the top right.

6. Logging in will bring you back to the purchasing page. Agree to the terms and conditions and click Complete to finish the registration process.

7. From the Bloomberg homepage, you can click Certificates to view the courses available and begin watching the videos.

Assistant Head, Information Services

Profile Photo
Kathleen Berger
Room 318E
Pardee Library